
Lead Partner: Fundación Universitaria San Pablo – Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain). Partners: Štěpán Zavřel Foundation (Italy); HERON Digital Education & Mathisis LTD (Cyprus)



June 2021
February 2023

Financing Line



Impact Evaluation; Project Management

Project Description

“DART4CITY – Developing and improving Arts and creativity for the cities of tomorrow”, funded by the Erasmus + Program 2014-2020 for education, training, youth and sport. The project aims to develop and validate a methodology for the full integration of arts and creativity in the curricula of primary and secondary schools in Europe, using the STEAM interdisciplinary teaching approach, through the integration of art (A) with other disciplines technical scientific: science (S), technology (T), engineering (E), art (A) and mathematics (M). The final results will consist of a transferable educational methodology at the European level and a series of STEAM projects developed by the project partners.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1.- To analyse the curriculums from different countries using the novel methodology proposed in a previous works realized by the leader partner Fundación Universitaria San Pablo – Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain) and determine the opportunity areas to integrate arts and design in STEAM projects. 2.- Develop and test STEAM projects in real environments, based on the opportunity areas detected in each country based on cooperative puzzles and including new learning methodologies that promote the skills associated to creativity and arts, such as lateral thinking, communication, participation, and engagement. 3.-To promote the adaption of educational systems to current societal challenges, mainly regarding sustainable development, that requires competencies associated with creativity, design, and innovation. 4.- To promote the social inclusion of students by fostering participatory approaches and intercultural dialogue in education. 5- Improving the skills of trainers and educators, providing them with tools and resources to achieve the above objectives. 6- Contacting decision-makers in the field of education, to improve the education laws and the existing curricula.

INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT As a result of the DART4City, an Intellectual Output comprised of two different deliverables closely related among them will be produced, sustained by an intensive dissemination activity, and designed through systematic and participatory research: a Methodology to translate the education normative in STEAM projects. The first deliverable will include two different parts: an analysis of the opportunity areas to create STEAM projects, and the final version of the Methodology, which will be transferable to other EU countries. The second deliverable will be a collection of STEAM projects elaborated by the partners, founded on the validated methodology.

PROJECT IMPACT DART4CITY project will substantially impact the formal education system and society as a whole, in particular:

  • – Students from primary to secondary school: enhanced skills associated with arts and creativity (teamwork, critical thinking, collaborative thinking, problem-solving, communication)
  • – Teachers and educators: improved competences in transversal topics and skill-building, more materials and resources available
  • – Decision-makers: meaningful changes in organizational culture and preparedness to innovation, improved human capital, evidence-based guidelines aligned to educational curricula, new partnerships dedicated to the improvement of education.
  • – The whole society: a new generation more prepared for the challenges of the 21st century